27 July 2011

Clingman's Cardi

For those of you who used to follow me as The Global Nomad, that chapter is over. With the start of a new life, just me and my boys, we are diving in with no intentions of looking back over our shoulder. As a "yay me!" I have been training for a 10 mile run in DC for this October. It is a fundraising run for the Army. If you would like to contribute to help me celebrate my divorce (yes, I said celebrate!!!) and to support me in general (and our troops!!), you can donate on my Army Homefront Fundraising page. Any amount is welcome!

Sometime back in January, before my ex became known as such, I began knitting the Mr. Darcy Sweater on Knitty. Looking at it reminds me of a hike that the boys and I took to Clingman's Dome back in April. It was cold, dark, desolate, steep, and and yet breathtakingly lovely.

 Now I am faced with the dilemma of finishing the sleeves and selling it for a pretty penny, or just taking the whole thing and burning it (my mother's suggestion!?)  I could potentially repurpose the yarn, but do I really want to? I am knitting it in a steel gray, bulky, Shetland wool. So like everything I knit, it is a wonderful texture to wrap your hands around. But will it continue to hold bad feelings for me if I rip the whole thing out and make something new?

So what is the general opinion here? It truly no longer holds any sentimental value. It's not even fun to knit anymore that is how unsentimental it is to me. But, it is 3/4 finished! If I worked diligently, and if my dog Katie doesn't chew the replacement needles, it could be finished over the weekend at the latest. But, is it a matter of principle? Are some things just not meant to be completed? I mean, it was being knit in tandem with the foreboding signs of divorce then the dog chewed the needles, I had to rip out the sleeve I'd already halfway completed...I don't even know. 


  1. Be done with, close the chapter. Re-use the materials and make something new, but not for you...say ummm a stranger. Heck even give it away. Its the principal of the matter. I think the yarn itself is well, bad ju-ju.

  2. Finish it and sell it. At least you'd get some money out of it and I know it looks good! How ironic would it be if the way your business started was by selling the sweater (in a sense, the way your marriage ended)? I think it would be awesome! :-) Glad to see you've started blogging again...I'll be following along. :-)

  3. Carrie, very interesting concept...hmmmm. Glad to be blogging again too :)

  4. oh, finish it and give it to Bergen when he's big enough to wear it, and then he can pass it down to all your boys and they can take turns wearing it. or go with what Carrie said.

  5. give it to your "backup man!" :) kidding!

  6. Hahahahaha, Jim, I would totally give it to you if you wanted it, but It would be too short. I knitted it to the ex's measurements :) xxoo
